Construction Photographic Documentation & Project Management Services

  •  Documentation of in-progress construction
  • Recorded material arrival and disbursement  
  • Support photographic documentation before and after demolition 

The Groundwater Reduction Plan (GRP) is SJRA’s solution to Montgomery County’s groundwater problem. Rapid population growth and the resulting increase in water demand has overwhelmed the county’s groundwater supply. In order to meet the requirements for groundwater reduction mandated by the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District (LSGCD), SJRA has taken on the task of implementing the most cost-effective and reliable solution for decreasing groundwater withdrawals. Most importantly, participation in the SJRA’s GRP was offered as a solution to all large water suppliers in the county, and over 130 different water utilities joined the plan, representing 80 percent of water use in Montgomery County. With this commitment, the GRP truly became a countywide, collaborative solution to the groundwater problem.

SJRA Ground Water Reduction Plan Waterline

KMA services provided: